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How you can build muscles at home

 Due to busy schedule and pressure of work many people don't get enough time for workout and gym.But do you know that at initial stage no need to go to gym and you can start doing workout at home.

In this article I am going to tell you few workouts that you can perform at home and if you do these workout regularly you will notice significant results.

1)Push ups= push ups is really a very effective workout for your whole upper body and core.

2)Squats=squats is very effective for strengthening your legs and lower body.

3)Crunches=Crunches strengthen your core and abs,so if you want prominent abs then you have to perform crunches.

4)Pull ups=pull ups is a very effective workout for your back and biceps.

Perform these workouts regularly and you would notice significant results .At initial stage no need to go to gym but if you want to go to advance stage then you can join gym later.

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