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Why 80% of Indian engineers are unemployable?

 India is a country where millions of engineers pass out of various engineering colleges every year .But most of these engineers pass out from tier2 or tier 3 engineering colleges .Most these engineering colleges dont have proper infastructure and facilities which are required in a good engineering colleges.

Engineering in India has become very normal and almost every student irrespective of their academics want to do engineering.As these students dont get admission in IITs and NITs so these private engineering colleges give them the oppurtunity yo fulfill their dream of doing engineering.These colleges dont have proper labs ,proper faculty members but still they arte providing you engineering degrees.Also the syllabus of engineering is of 10 or 20 years old and has not been updated ,on the other hand the technology has evolved a lot and these engineers are therefore not able to cope with the latest technology .There is engineers everywhere in India but most of them are useless .

The engineering syllabus must be re evaluated and upgradation must be done . The government should stop these low quality engineering colleges .If something is not done then the number of unemployed youth will increase in india.

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