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How to score good marks in MAKAUT semester exams


If you are a student of MAKAUT. Then this article is for you. In this article I am going to tell you about how you can score good marks in MAKAUT semester exams.

So there are two kinds of students, first: students who study everyday and second: students who study only before the exam or few days before the exam. So first lets talk about first type of students, So if you are a student who like to study everyday and don’t pile up your studies for days before exam then you are half done for the semester preparation , I would recommend you to follow “Organiser” it is really a great book and it contains previous year questions which will give you idea about the semester exams and will make you exam ready. Now for the students who like to study just before the exams they also need not to worry I will tell what you should do before the exams. So first of all let me make this clear to you that you need to start study atleast 15 days before the exams , studying a day before the exams is not going to help you. Make a routine and start studying chapter wise . keep the day before exam only for revision and don’t keep any new lesson to study in the day before the exam. Buy an “organiser” it is going to help you a lot.

But let me make this very clear to you that not all the questions in the exam will be from “Organiser” So you need to keep your basic concepts regarding the subjects very clear. If you follow these tips then you are definitely going to do good in the exam.

 If you have any queries regarding this or you want any article in any subject, you can comment below , I will try to clear your queries.

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