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Can Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan Start a War Between USA And China?

Will There Be a War Between USA and China Over Nancy pelosi's Taiwan visit?

The world is looking at the Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the South East Asian countries and especially Taiwan. China has threatened USA of serious consequences if Pelosi visits Taiwan. In this article we will discuss that what could happen if Pelosi visits Taiwan and could this visit spark a major war between USA and China?

Will There Be a War Between USA and China Over Nancy pelosi's Taiwan visit?

Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the parliament of USA, recently she angered China by planning a visit to Taiwan, now China has threatened USA of serious consequences if Pelosi visits Taiwan. If Pelosi visits Taiwan, then it could start a major war between USA and China. Chances of a war between USA and China is a real possibility, if any of the two countries now step back from their position then it will be a huge embarrassment for them. If USA step back from its decision to send Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan then USA might become a coward in front of the whole world and if China doesn’t take any big action against USA then it is a matter of huge embarrassment for them.

For the fear of any military action of China against Nancy Pelosi’s plane USA has deployed two of its aircraft carriers very near to Taiwan and in retaliation China deployed its warships near Taiwan. So situation is very critical near Taiwan and at any moment a war could break out between USA and China.

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