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Is Pubg addiction dangerous??

Is pubg addiction dangerous??

Yes ,pubg is a very harmful game if played limitlessly. Pubg is an extremely addictive game and as it is a multiplayer battle royale game so people never get bored of it.
So what causes addiction to pubg ??So the answer is the lust in the mind of surviving till the last and killing maximum people in the game and make new records .As the graphics of the game is of very high quality so it attracts peoples mind .

Harmfull effects of pubg

1)Limitlessly playing pubg can cause starin in eyes and eye deseases.
2)playing pubg constantly in one position puts strain on different body parts like neck,back etc.
3)It is very harmful for students as it shifts their interest from studies completely towards the game as a result good students do poor performances in academics.
4) pubg is so addictive that people even forgets about eating and sleeping.
So pubg is a very addictive and harmful game ,but if played in limits ,then its alright.
So thats all and if you have any other queries you can write down in the comments below.

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