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If a boy wear large size T shirt then what will be the size of the inner

 If a boy wears large size shirt then the size of their inner must be either of small size or medium depending on the physique or shape of the body of the person wearing the shirt.

The inner must be one or two size smaller than the t shirt to get better fit otherwise it would look awkward. The person wearing the t shirt must also keep in mind the colour complexity of the t shirt in order to look good. A green inner and a green t shirt may look good but a green inner and a pink shirt might look awkward. So in order to move in style and in order to look like a man of style one must keep in mind the colour combinations and the sizes of the inner and t shirt.

 The size also plays a very important role in determining whether you will look good or not for example if a person wear a very loose t shirt and a very tight inner then he might look very awkward and unsmart. So if you don't want to look unsmart then always be smart while choosing the size and colour of your t shirt.

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