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Google celebrates 171st birth anniversary of Angelo Moriondo


Google on Monday introduced a doodle to honour and celebrate 171st birth anniversary of Angelo Moriondo. Now you might be thinking who Angelo moriondo is well he is the inventor of the espresso machine. Moriondo was born in Italy in Turin city on 6th june 2851. In the year 1884 he came up with the invention of a espresso machine. His grandfather owned a liquor company. His father was also an entrepreneur, his father founded a company named “moriondo and Garlio”.

Moriondo owned a coffee shop, he realised that making coffee is a very time consuming process and it made the customers impatient,he thought that if he could speed up the making of coffee then he might get more customers and hence could make more profits. so he tried to solve the problem and resulted in invention of the espresso machine. He brought a revolution in the  coffee industry.

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