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What is MAR and MOOCs in MAKAUT university


All those students who study in MAKAUT university, have this question in mind that what is MAR and MOOCs, which are a part of the curriculum of the university. So in this article we will discuss about the MAR and MOOCs and difference between.


Let us first talk about MAR, MAR stands for mandatory additional requirements, it is nothing but few extra curricular and co-curricular activities prescribed by the MAKAUT, which they have to do in the whole span of their degree, it may be 3-4 years depending upon your respective course. The list of activities is available in the MAKAUT website. These activities contains some points, like 4,6,10 depending upon the activity the points allocated for them varies. Every year the students have to gain 25 MAR points to qualify for the next semester, note that if anyone is unable to clear the required MAR point then they will not qualify for the next semester also MAR is compulsory and everyone have to do it, without doing it you will not get the degree. Various types of activities are suggested by MAKAUT like singing, dancing, working for a NGO, cultural events etc so you can do the activities depending upon your interest.


MOOCs stand for massive open online course. It is unlike MAR is not mandatory, hence it depends on you whether you are willing to pursue it or not. MOOCs means various online courses offered by various platforms like udemy, coursera, NPTEL etc . It has points depending on the duration of course, for 10 hour course 1 point is given for 20 hours 2 point is given and so on. The benefit of doing MOOCs is that you will get a honours degree along with your degree, so if you are an engineering student, then you will get a B.TECH honours degree instead of normal B.TECH degree, which is quite good. So if you are someone who would like to have a honours along with your degree then they have to do MOOCs .

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