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Pakistan Has Passed Law To Sell Its National Assets To Foreign Countries! Check Details

 Pakistan Passed New Law To Sell Its National assets.

Recently the government of Pakistan, passed a bill in its parliament which allows the government of Pakistan to sell the assets of the country to foreign countries. So now under this law Pakistan would be able to sell its assets to various countries to pay its debts.

Pakistan Passed New Law To Sell Its National assets

Pakistan is under the pressure of huge external debt and the country doesn't have money to repay the loans. Pakistan has already gave one of its major port 'Gwadar Port' to China for a lease of 40 years and now under this law, the government of Pakistan would be able to sell the assets of Pakistan and in the coming days we will see Pakistan selling more assets to China and other countries. The new law also restricts the people of Pakistan to move to supreme court to oppose this law. That means that, if the government of Pakistan sell any assets to foreign countries, the Pakistani people would not be able to move to supreme court to protest against it. 

Experts are also fearing that Pakistan might meet the same fate as Sri Lanka. Recently Sri Lanka went bankrupt and same thing could happen to Pakistan also.

Earlier Pakistan tried to sell its airports to countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia but none of them showed any interest in buying airports of Pakistan.

It is happening for the first time in a democracy that Judiciary has been sidelined by the government by passing laws.  

The opposition parties are protesting against this law, stating that this law will increase corruption and public property would be at stake. This may even worsen the economic crisis of Pakistan.

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