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WhatsApp CEO has warned its users to be cautious!! Check out now


There are many third party modified versions of whatsapp which are not authorized version of whatsapp, still people use them because they provide some extra features than the official version of whatsapp.

Whatsapp ceo has warned its users

Recently the CEO of whatsapp ,Will Catchcart has issued a warning to its users that using these third Party modified version of the app might be dangerous for the users. The CEO said that these applications are developed by fraudsters and can steal your data through the app, there is no privacy or security in these kind of third party apps. These third party apps has been removed from the Google playstore, as Google playstore is very  strict regarding data security of the  users, but still it is found that people are downloading it from various websites and other app stores.

The CEO said that one such fraudulent app is ‘Hey  Whatsapp’ which is developed by a developer named ‘Hey mods’. People should refrain from using these apps as they could be extremely dangerous for the data and security of the user.

These apps also does not provide any end to end encryption while messaging, that means that your private messages are not at all private and could be leaked very easily. So everyone must be careful about these apps.

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